RECAP: We had just been approached by a magician, yes, A MAGICIAN!! to assist in a promotional magic video.
without consulting Warren.. I volunteered the both of us to watch.
We are then seated in two chairs facing a podium and the magician, Howard Blackwell. I didn’t even care to check if Warren was miserable watching magic while we were supposed to be eating. I was fixated on the magic tricks. I even got to be the magician’s assistant and participate in a few really neat illusions.
Then it was Warren’s turn. The magician asked Warren to repeat after him: “I am the most amazzzzzzzzing magician, Warren. I am about to perform a trick in which I can read your mind!” (cue my giggles watching Warren standing in front of me, pretending to be a magician). I am then instructed to “think of a card, any card” so I think of a Queen of Hearts. Then I think, noooooo let’s change it so if there’s any sort of algorithm here, I can beat it! (I’m convince that I’ll somehow be able to trick magicians. Ha. Bless my heart.) I have my new card in my head (Jack of Spades). The magician/Warren asks me to say the card out loud. I do. Warren (repeating) says, “Aha! I knew that you’d pick that card! Ta-daaaaa!” and takes a bow. I snicker politely and play a little “womp womp” sound in my head. Did I really expect someone to read my mind? There’s no slight of hand here, the magician made a claim to read. my. mind. Just then, he holds up his hand and says he’s not done yet. In a sealed manila envelope, he has my card, and to prove it, he will ask Warren to pull it out. Slowly, I see a spade peak through and sure enough, it’s a Jack! It’s my card, the Jack of Spades- but wait, there’s words. There’s… oh my gosh, on that JACK OF SPADES it says, “WILL YOU MARRY ME” and all in a matter of seconds, Warren is on one knee at my feet with a ring box in hand.
“Amber, you are my best friend, my partner in crime, and the second funniest person I know” (insert my interruption here to remind him that “no. I am the number one funniest person you know.”
“…and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Amber Christine Molidor… (extra points, because he used my full name) Will you marry me?”
And before I know it, there’s a gorgeous cushion cut diamond on my finger, and people around the park are clapping and congratulating us. The news station wanted to interview us immediately afterward, and I was speechless. (no, really speechless. The news story that aired that night shows me literally saying one word while looking like a deer in headlights.)
And despite all the excitement and happiness I feel… I was still curious how he knew my card. To this day, I am still baffled.
Because I was a dumb-dumb who forgot her charger and had a dead phone during one of the most special times in her life… we problem-solved and sat in Warren’s truck, in a dark parking garage with my phone plugged into the car charger. We called all our friends and family. For 3 hours straight. I’d do the same gig- call my friends on FaceTime, ask if they can see me, and then ask if they could see… my ring!
Being enormous practical jokers and pranksters, the immediate reaction from we got was, “is it real this time?” We also got a lot of happy tears and smiles. What was so special to me was the fact that Warren asked every one of my family members for permission to marry me. He asked my dad and older brother 5 months prior in person. He asked my mom and younger brother via phone call and was met with an overwhelming amount of happy tears (and of course permission from all 4 family members). We wrapped up our phone calls and never went to brunch, haha. We spent the day playing with our dog, Rogue, in the parks and decided to treat ourselves to a fancy dinner at the infamous Olde Pink House. Known for being haunted, I was super intrigued, but we were also informed that the food was delicious. We sat outside, again, because we had Rogue. We both ordered a BLT salad (buttermilk thyme dressing, fried green tomato and candied bacon) It’s as mouth-watering as it sounds. The server even brought Rogue her own plated of crispy bacon. It was amazing. We walked to Lulu’s Chocolate Bar down the road and got the most ginormous slices of cake you’ve ever seen. I, of course, took a photo of my left hand next to every food and drink item we ordered that night.
That night, we watched The Nightmare Before Christmas and I woke up the next morning engaged.
this Facebook post was literally captioned “woke up engaged”
So, I could say Warren proposed with a deck of cards. But it’s so much more than that! Our proposal, and so many others, are more meaningful when explained fully. The thought and detail that was put into his and other proposals are often unacknowledged. Engagements aren’t about getting the Pinterest ring you always dreamed of, or obnoxiously overusing the word fiancé. The next time someone wonders how he asked, tell them you’ll try to make it short (but don’t). Relive in the moment again and remember just how amazing it felt to be engaged.
Here’s to all the magical proposals out there and the fiancés that go all out.
Happy Planning!
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